    2023-11-14 12:49:06 点击率: 来源:bat365在线登录网站


凌宇恒,男,经济学博士,2020年毕业于法国科西嘉大学。2019年,在英国纽卡斯尔大学统计系访问交流。2021年,在法国国家科学研究中心海岛经济和社会学研究所(CNRS UMR LISA)“ESTATE”研究组从事区域经济学研究。2022年,在法国国家农业食品与环境研究院 (INRAE) 农村经济和社会学研究中心(UMR CESAER)从事城市经济研究,合作导师Julie Le Gallo教授。在国外主流学术刊物上发表论文10余篇,担任Spatial Economic Analysis、The Annals of Regional Science、Environment and Planning B、Operations Research Forum等SSCI期刊审稿专家。



1. 城市和房地产经济学;旅游地产;城市住房政策与规划;房屋价格预测;房屋价格的宏观影响因素分析。

2. 时空大数据分析;空间计量经济学;近似贝叶斯计算;时空异质性与因果推断











1. Yuheng LING*, Julie Le Gallo. (2023). Bayesian spatial panel models: A flexible Kronecker error component approach. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 10.1007/s12076-023-00362-8.

2. Yuheng LING, Yacine Allam, Marie Breuillé, Camille Grivault, Julie Le Gallo*. (2023). Airbnb des villes et des champs à l'épreuve de la Covid-19. forthcoming. Revue D'économie Industrielle. (In French)

3. Yuheng LING*, Claudio Detotto, Dominique Prunetti, Alfred Stein (2022). Unveiling spatial and temporal patterns of second home dynamics: a Bayesian spatiotemporal analysis for a Mediterranean island. Spatial Economic Analysis, 17(1), 10-33.

4. Yuheng LING (2022). Estimating coastal premiums for apartment prices: Towards a new multilevel modelling approach. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 49(1), 188-205.

5. Yuheng LING (2020). Time, space and hedonic prediction accuracy: evidence from Corsican apartment markets. The Annals of Regional Science, 64(2), 367-388.

6. Zhichao He, Yuheng LING, Christine Fürst, Anna Hersperger (2022). Does zoning contain built-up land expansion? Causal evidence from Zhangzhou City, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 220, 104339.

7. Dominique Prunetti, Claudio Detotto, Corinne Idda, Eric Innocenti, Yuheng LING, Vinciguerra Matthew (2021, December). ABM/LUCC of a complex economic system of land and home markets facing an intense residential development. In 2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

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